Tag Archives: Probiotics

A Closer Look at Allergy Season

Suffer No Longer with Allergies

May is National Allergy Awareness Month, and I’ll bet it’s no coincidence that it comes in the spring.

Understanding Asthma and Allergies

Allergies are a result of an immune system gone haywire: The immune system mistakes a typically harmless substance for a harmful invader like a mold spore or dust mite. Your immune system then makes antibodies, which launches the release of histamines and other chemicals that cause allergic reactions such as sneezing, itchy and watering eyes, runny nose and other miserable reactions.

Some common seasonal allergy propagators are pet dander, insect stings, mold and pollen.

Different but Correlated
While asthma and allergies are separate conditions, they’re related. People who have respiratory allergies are more likely to have asthma, and having asthma increases your risk for developing an allergy.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes airway obstruction. Allergies, smoke and air pollution can trigger asthma and cause the airways to become inflamed. As the airway swells, less air flows to the lungs while mucus production increases. This causes symptoms like wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and trouble breathing.

Fight the Symptoms
Springtime is when trees and plants spread their seeds—at least the pollen that becomes seeds. That pollen enters your system when you breathe fresh air and causes all the symptoms that make you miserable. Are there ways to fight back?

  • Bath – Spending time outside, even just a few moments, can trap allergens in your hair and on your skin. Try taking a bath before bed to rinse away the day’s pollen from your body and get a better night’s sleep.
  • Masks – If you must mow or spend time gardening outside (and thus stirring up the allergens waiting to wreak havoc on your immune system) consider wearing a mask. They’re relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at most home improvement stores.
  • Windows – No matter how tempted you are by the lovely spring breeze, refrain from opening your windows if seasonal allergies plague you. Allowing the outside air to blow through your home – particularly fabric on couches, chairs, rugs and bedding – is coating your environment in a layer of allergens.

Seasonal Allergy Relief through Nutrition

Standard seasonal allergy treatments can often include steroids, antihistamines, nasal sprays, prescription medications or allergy shots. These remedies can also cause dry nasal cavities and drowsiness. But improving your immune system through good nutrition is an added defense.

The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s have been shown to benefit the immune system and have a positive effect on allergies. Omega-3s can be found in GlucAffect®ReversAge®24K™, and Reliv Now® for Kids.

Vitamins A, C, E and zinc, enzymes, garlic and cayenne also have been shown to help strengthen the immune system to reduce symptoms caused by seasonal allergies. Reliv Now®Reliv Classic® and FibRestore® are good sources of all of these nutrients, plus other beneficial herbs and enzymes.

These nutritional products also contain bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties shown to help manage allergy responses. Probiotics offer another option shown to be effective in decreasing seasonal allergy development.

Probiotics, also called “friendly bacteria,” are live microorganisms similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. These include Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. Probiotics stimulate the immune system to help your body protect itself. Good sources of probiotics include SoySentials®, which contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, and ReversAge, which includes both Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Thank you Reliv for another great article!





Digestive Health – balance, restore, revitalize

The Fiber Fix

Digestive HealthFiber is one amazing multi-tasker. Whether your goal is weight loss, improved digestion or heart health, fiber does it all. Despite common knowledge of fiber’s many benefits, 95% of Americans don’t get the American Dietetic Association’s recommended 21-35 grams per day.

Fortunately, patented FibRestore provides 10 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber per serving. It’s a simple solution for better health.

No Ordinary Fiber

Did you know there are actually two types of fiber, each with different benefits? Your body needs both soluble and insoluble fiber. Unfortunately, most fiber supplements only provide soluble fiber to act as a “bulking agent” in the gut. The insoluble fiber in FibRestore provides added benefits you can’t get from a typical fiber powder. With FibRestore, you can balance, restore and revitalize.

Soluble fiber:

•  leads to less artery build-up by binding to cholesterol and inhibiting cholesterol production.
•  helps control blood glucose by slowing carbohydrate digestion, which can help manage weight.

Insoluble fiber:

•  reduces constipation, diverticulosis, and risk of colon cancer and other intestinal diseases by helping speed transit through the colon.
•  promotes growth of probiotics, helpful bacteria that keep harmful bacteria in check, aid in digestion and keep you healthy.
•  enhances weight loss by improving satiety.

Beyond Digestion

Feeling great is about more than just proper digestion. That’s why patented FibRestore has an exclusive blend of antioxidants, enzymes and herbs for overall well-being.

Antioxidants. Beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E are potent antioxidants that neutralize cell-damaging molecules known as free radicals.

Enzymes. Papain and bromelain are two key enzymes that reduce inflammation, promote proper digestion, relieve bloating and indigestion, and help the body function more efficiently.

Herbs. Ginseng, garlic and chamomile are just three of 21 herbs in FibRestore’s special proprietary blend. The bioflavonoids in herbs have been shown to protect and revitalize, promoting overall wellness.

Reliv Product Guarantee

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Study shows Relìv Now® and FibRestore® may help with lowering risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  View Study

FibRestore® Product Reviews

“I was really surprised when, within three months of starting on Reliv Now®, FibRestore® and Innergize!, my digestive system was operating as it should. I now enjoy a new feeling of well-being.” ~ Darren Sanders, Australia 

“FibRestore supports my overall health, from digestion to immunity. I can’t remember the last time I took a sick day. It also helps me feel fuller, longer. I dropped 15 pounds since adding FibRestore to my shake — and I’ve kept it off!” ~ Ron Baker, Rex, GA

“Since I was a little girl, I struggled with serious constipation. I was further dragged down by nagging discomfort and fatigue. In 2008, I began taking Reliv Classic®, Innergize!® and FibRestore® shakes twice a day. One week later, I felt so much better and didn’t need the over-the-counter remedies I had been taking to relieve my constipation. After adding GlucAffect®, I have also lost 15 pounds and my blood pressure has regulated. I have so much energy now and am more productive as a teacher, mom and wife.” ~ Svetlana Vilig, Plano, Texas

The statements contained in this material have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The personal testimonials shared reflect individual experiences and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Reliv products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Fiber Facts and Probiotic Pluses

Friendly Bacteria Are Health Pros

Right now, more than 1,000 different types of bacteria are making their home on your skin and in your body. While it sounds creepy, most of these bacteria are actually beneficial. But it’s critical to keep the balance in favor of the beneficial bacteria — called probiotics — rather than harmful bacteria.

Probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium, are a valuable part of a healthy diet and can actually help prevent or treat some illnesses and infections caused by more harmful bacteria. Friendly bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract also are vital to the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients.

• U.S. adults average about 15 grams of dietary fiber intake per day — about half of the recommended 30 grams of fiber to promote good health.

• Dietary soluble fiber, when part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

• Fiber is found only in plant foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

• Food processing removes much of the natural fiber from many of our basic foods.

• Only half the U.S. population eats fruit on a given day; a quarter eats no vegetables in a day’s time.

• Probiotics are friendly bacteria found on the skin, in the gut and in other orifices that are crucial to a person’s health and well-being.

• There are more bacteria associated with the human body than there are human cells in it.

• The two strains of bacteria recognized as most important to health are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

• A high-fiber diet promotes the growth of friendly bacteria that aid in proper digestion and support a healthy immune system.

Probiotics’ Many Benefits

A healthy gut with a good balance of probiotics can keep your whole body healthy. Research is now moving ahead to discover probiotics’ true potential for its role in the prevention and treatment of many health conditions, such as:

● Diarrhea. Probiotic’s ability to decrease the incidence or duration of many types and causes of diarrhea is one of the most substantiated effects of probiotics.

● Infection. Probiotics have been effective in protecting against infections of the urinary tract or female genital tract.

● Cancer. Consuming probiotics may decrease cancer risk. Specifically, probiotics have shown an ability to reduce the recurrence of bladder cancer, and also may play a role in preventing colon cancer.

● High Blood Pressure. Probiotics may reduce blood pressure in people with mild hypertension.

● Immune System. Probiotics stimulate the immune system to help your body protect itself. Probiotics have even been shown to be effective in decreasing the development of allergies and the  relapse of inflammatory bowel disease.

Good sources of probiotics include yogurt, as well as Reliv’s SoySentials®, which includes Lactobacillus acidophilus, and ReversAge®, which includes both bifidibacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

What’s Fiber’s Gut Reaction?

More than just filler in foods, fiber is a key ingredient that’s critical to health-promoting biological processes. And scientists now recognize that fiber has the ability to fight five major diseases: heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.

A low-fiber diet can lead to overgrowth in the colon of harmful, “bad guy” bacteria. Too much of the wrong bacteria and the body starts absorbing the very toxins it should be eliminating. But a high-fiber diet promotes the growth of the friendly bacteria — probiotics — that aid in proper digestion.

Healthier bowels are a big benefit of fiber. When white flour became a staple of our Western diets, bowel disorders such as diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, polyps, colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome became much more common. While there is still more research to be done, a strong link is likely.

Bulk Up Your Fiber Intake

Fiber is easy to find — if you look past the processed foods. Processing strips the fiber off natural foods along with many other nutrients. Choosing whole, natural foods is a good start in boosting your fiber intake to meet the recommended daily fiber quota of 30 grams per day. Fiber falls into two categories: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber slows digestion and dissolves in water, which helps your body absorb nutrients. Soluble fiber is found in whole-grain oats and barley, oat bran, citrus fruits, apples, bananas, berries, beans, peas and soybeans.

Insoluble fiber adds bulk that satisfies the appetite and helps food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines. You’ll find insoluble fiber in whole-wheat bread, wheat cereals, wheat bran, rice, most other grains, nuts, seeds, cabbage, beets, carrots, Brussel sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin.

Another way to add fiber is to leave the peel on your fruits and vegetables and choosing whole fruits rather than just the juice.

High fiber diets also encourage probiotic growth and overall digestive health. Reliv’s FibRestore® is loaded with 10 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber per serving, providing a third of the daily fiber recommended for good health.

The Fiber Fix

Life-threatening staph infections are on the rise. So are E.coli contaminations in our meats and produce. And multiple antibiotic resistances are a growing health threat in the battle against once treatable diseases.

As concerns rise over how to combat these public health issues, a simple answer may be sitting right on the plate in front of you. Most people know that fiber is good for them. It positively impacts everything from blood sugar levels and weight loss to serum cholesterol levels. And it plays a vital role in protecting against colon cancer, diverticular disease, obesity and more.

What many may not realize is that a high-fiber diet — and the healthy balance of “good guy” bacteria (probiotics) it promotes — is critical to supporting overall good health and immunity. Unfortunately, the typical diet of fast food and highly processed meals is nearly devoid of this important nutrient.

The good news is that the importance of probiotics is taking center stage among researchers and the media. Word is getting out and more people are looking for ways to up their intake of both fiber and probiotics.

This issue of Science & Health Today offers a good overview of the benefits of fiber and probiotics, as well as simple ways to add these nutrients to your daily diet. Once again, mom was right — eat your roughage!

To Your Health,

Relìv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Carl W. Hastings

Thank you Dr. Carl for another great article!

Strengthening the Immune System


The immune system is the body’s self-defense mechanism. It’s on constant alert for foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. If the immune system detects these intruders, it attacks them or removes them in more indirect ways.

How the Immune System Works


The immune system includes soldier-like T cells, the critical antibodies IgA, IgM and IgG, and a group of proteins called the complement system.
IgA are antibodies that are found mainly at the openings of the body, such as the mouth, to act as sort of the front door guard. They attack the offending viruses or bacteria before they can enter our system. IgM antibodies are the first responders to any enemy cells found within the body. They activate other parts of the immune system to join the fight. IgG antibodies, the largest “army” in the body, protect the body from viral infections.
The complement system, which includes the important C3 component, kicks in when it detects other antibodies. The complement system then helps destroy the bacteria, viruses or infected cells.
A Healthy Recipe for a Stronger Immune System
Many factors are responsible for a strong immune system, but your diet is one of the biggest. Certain nutrients are known immunity builders. Here are just a few of the most potent:
Harmful oxidants, or free radicals, can damage DNA and suppress the body’s immune system. Antioxidants help remove these dangerous free radicals from the bloodstream. As a result they can strengthen your immune system to help you fend off colds, flu, and other infections.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is beneficial in keeping the immune system strong, and some studies show the duration of a cold can be shortened when people increase vitamin C intake when they first feel a cold coming on. New research indicates supplementing with vitamin C raises the concentration of three key parts of the immune system: IgA, IgM and the C3 complement component. Several studies have also found supplementing with vitamin C improves antimicrobial and natural killer cell activities and overall immune response to reduce the risk, severity and duration of respiratory tract infections such as the common cold.
Vitamin E: Research shows vitamin E can significantly cut the risk of colds and other infections, especially among the elderly. One study showed those who took daily vitamin E supplements had fewer common colds and a 20 percent lower risk of acquiring a cold. Vitamin E also helped protect against other upper respiratory infections.
Beta Carotene: Beta carotene protects your body from oxidative stress that can suppress your immune system. Your body also converts beta carotene, a carotenoid, into vitamin A, which regulates the immune system to help fight infections.
Vitamin D
Research shows people with low levels of vitamin D have an increased risk for cold and flu — in fact, they are 40 percent more likely to get a respiratory infection than those who have higher levels of vitamin D. Scientists also have found vitamin D is critical to activating our immune defenses. The killer cells of the immune system called T cells rely on vitamin D to kick them into gear and transform themselves from harmless cells into killer cells to attack foreign invaders. In addition, researchers found that daily supplements of vitamin D reduced seasonal flu by more than 40 percent.
Probiotics go beyond helping with digestion. These “good bacteria ” are vital to proper development of the immune system and also stimulate the immune system to help your body protect itself from colds and flu. Probiotics increase the percentage of different types of immune cells. More than 70 percent of immune cells that produce illness-fighting antibodies live in your digestive tract lining. So caring for these immune cells with probiotics may help you better battle winter’s colds and flu.
In a Swedish study, a group of employees given a probiotic missed less work due to respiratory or gastrointestinal illness than did employees who didn’t receive the probiotic. Another study showed people taking a probiotic plus vitamins and minerals daily for three months had reduced frequency, duration and severity of symptoms of colds.
To optimize your intake of antioxidants and vitamin D, turn to Reliv’s essential nutrition products, Reliv Classic® and Reliv Now®. Probiotics can be found in Reliv’s ReversAge® and SoySentials® nutritional formulas.
Give Your Immune System the Gift of Good Nutrition
‘Tis the season for colds and flu. With all the family gatherings and indoor activities, viruses have more opportunities to be passed around. Taking care of yourself can make the difference between enjoying the festivities or simply enduring them.
A strong immune system is the key. Yet your immune system can get tired from overworking to make up for poor health habits and lack of good nutrition. As a result, immune cells can lose some of their protective effects.
Even marginal nutrient (and micronutrient) deficiencies can weaken your immune system. You may not have obvious symptoms when you’re deficient, but a deficiency can affect your body’s ability to ward off disease and infections.
Start this cold and flu season off strong. Research shows physical activity can protect against colds. One study found people who exercised five or more days per week were about half as likely to get a cold as those who exercised less.
Other lifestyle factors are essential to staying healthy this winter too. Get enough sleep. Enrich your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber. Seek comfort in immune boosters like mushrooms, garlic and warm chicken soup — which scientists have proven really does work against cold and flu.
Then ramp up your protection even more with Reliv. Our products offer balanced nutrition with antioxidants and other nutrients to support your immune system so you can stay healthier this winter.
Because the gift of good health is the best gift of all.
To Your Health,
Dr. Carl W. Hastings, Reliv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer

5 Steps to Better Women’s Health

Many women are notorious multi-taskers who function best with a list in hand. Yet often you’re left off your own “to-do” list while you care for everyone else. You’ve heard it before: To be able to better care for others, you must take care of yourself. And if mama’s happy, everyone’s happy!

Make every day Mother’s Day. For you — and for your family depending on you — treat yourself to the gift of better health. Just follow this five-step checklist…

1. Boost breast health.

Nutrition plays a vital role in breast health. Make sure you’re topping off your day with enough vitamin D. In the Nurses’ Health Study, women who had higher blood levels of vitamin D had a 30 percent reduced breast cancer risk.

New studies also suggest that regular, moderate consumption of soy foods lowers the incidence of breast cancer. Aim for at least 11 grams of soy per day. Just one serving of Reliv Now® or Reliv Classic® includes 7 grams of soy protein plus an optimal blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs.

Antioxidants such as selenium and beta carotene promote breast health by enhancing the immune system. So eating a well-rounded diet plentiful in fruits and vegetables along with your daily Reliv shakes is a good start toward healthier breasts.

Additional studies indicate a significantly decreased risk of death and breast cancer recurrence with soy consumption. A naturally occurring soy peptide, Lunasin provides many of soy’s documented health benefits through epigenetics. The ability to turn-off bad genes and turn-on good genes. Numerous studies demonstrate lunasin’s superior support for cancer-preventive effects, cardiovascular health, significant anti-inflammatory properties, anti-aging, and skin health.

2. Strengthen your bones.

Calcium’s role in bone health is widely understood, but other nutrients can play a significant role as well. Research shows the isoflavones found in soy foods may prevent osteoporosis. In addition, studies show the polyphenols in green tea help build bone strength. Reliv’s SoySentials® women’s health formula brings these nutrients together in synergistic combination for maximum benefit.

3. Lose weight.

It seems every woman wants to lose at least a few pounds to look and feel better. But who has time to calculate points, calories, carbs or grams? Losing weight doesn’t have to be complicated with Reliv’s Slimplicity® Meal Replacement and Cellebrate. A delicious and satisfying shake  chock-full of the powerful ingredients you need to increase your metabolism. Lose weight the healthy way and keep it off.

4. Manage PMS and menopausal symptoms.

If premenstrual syndrome (PMS) makes you feel a bit monstrous every month, bump up your vitamin B intake — specifically thiamin and riboflavin. Research shows these B vitamins can reduce PMS symptoms by 35 percent. Other research also shows diets rich in calcium and vitamin D can help symptoms while even lowering the risk of developing PMS in the first place.

When menopausal symptoms are a menace, work more soy into your diet. Isoflavones, found in soy, can reduce the frequency of the annoying hot flashes due to menopause. Black cohosh also can help reduce hot flashes and improve mood.

Reliv’s SoySentials contains a unique blend of soy protein (a whopping 10 grams per serving), potent antioxidants, probiotics and herbs to ease the symptoms of PMS and menopause. The carefully balanced ingredients work together to promote bone health, support the immune system and keep your body performing at its peak.

5. Find more energy.

Exercise actually boosts energy levels so you can get more done in a day. Exercise also promotes weight loss and benefits your bones, breasts and heart. Meanwhile, being active helps reduce energy-sucking stress. To amp up your energy even more, try Reliv’s 24K™, a caffeine-free, sugar-free energy drink with 24 health-promoting ingredients. These include resveratrol, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids to break through brain fog, reduce stress and increase energy. With 24K, you’ll be able to fly through your to-do list with energy left over to enjoy your family and friends!

Age Gracefully With Quality Nutrition

Medicine has its roots in herbs and natural compounds. After all, botanicals were the original medications long before there was a pharmacy on every corner. In Europe, data overwhelmingly support botanical medicine’s effective­ness. Today, people everywhere are finally realizing the power of nutrition in our health. Even food companies and pharmaceutical companies are looking more closely at important, beneficial nutrients such as probiotics and omega 3s.

We’re proud to say that Relìv was at the forefront of incorporating these types of compounds into our products. When we began developing ReversAge® more than 10 years ago, we carefully pored through research and chose proven ingredients that worked synergistically to improve function and slow the aging process. Those ingredients include omega-3, CoQ10, probiotics (in the form of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum) and many more.
Pharmaceuticals have their place in our healthcare system, but good nutrition may be able to delay or help prevent the need for them. In this issue of Science & Health Today, we’re going to look more carefully at a few of these ingredients that can help you age more healthfully — and more gracefully.
The good news is it’s never too late to start changing your health for the better, whether you’re 30, 50 or 80 years old. And Relìv is here to help.
To Your Health,
Dr. Carl W. Hastings Relìv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer


Quick Facts on Anti-Aging Nutrients

Omega-3 intake can affect your hearing — in a good way. A new study from the University of Sydney shows increased intakes of omega 3 may significantly reduce the risk of age-related hearing loss.
Omega-3 reduces inflammation in the body that can lead to chronic conditions, including heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. It’s also been shown to reduce the risk of stroke and certain cancers.
Studies indicate that probiotics may have a role in treating gastrointestinal illnesses, boosting immunity and preventing or slowing the development of certain types of cancer.
CoQ10 has been shown to improve symptoms of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and significantly reduce the frequency and duration of migraines.
CoQ10 can help preserve your vision, protect against periodontal disease and even improve male fertility.
• Topically, CoQ10 promotes more youthful looking skin by protecting the skin from photo aging due to ultraviolet rays. Application of CoQ10 also has been shown to reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Key Anti-Aging Nutrients

Your digestive system contains one of the most complex ecosystems in the world. It’s teeming with beneficial bacteria that play a critical role in maintaining your immune system and fending off harmful bacteria that can make you sick. In fact, your intestinal mucosa contain about 60 percent of your body’s immune cells.
As you age, several factors strive to throw off the delicate balance of your digestive system. New cell growth declines and tissues become more easily damaged. Muscle tone in the digestive tract also decreases so food moves more slowly through your system. Plus, beneficial bacteria tend to decline while harmful bacteria tend to flourish.
But numerous studies show probiotics are beneficial for both our intestinal and overall health, especially as we age. They support the immune system and rebuild beneficial bacteria. Healthy bacteria can prevent potentially harmful bacteria from attaching to the gut lining, reduce the availability of nutrients to the harmful bacteria, help achieve the right acidity in the intestine, support the gut lining and intestinal microflora and help strengthen the body’s natural defenses.
Research continues to demonstrate the brain benefits of omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, tuna, walnuts and kiwi fruit, among other foods, and have been shown to improve learning and memory and help fight against mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia and dementia.
One of the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, seems to be especially important to brain functioning. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition found increased levels of DHA were associated with improved nonverbal reasoning, mental flexibility, work­ing memory and vocabulary in people between age 35 and 54. So it’s never too late to start taking DHA.
DHA has also been shown to slow the growth of two brain le­sions that are the calling cards of Alzheimer’s disease. This means DHA could help delay or even prevent the onset of the disease.
The antioxidant coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is found naturally in the energy-producing center of the cell known as the mitochondria. Yet with age comes a steady decline in your body’s production of CoQ10.

In addition, taking cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins also can deplete natural levels of CoQ10 in the body.

Supplementing with CoQ10 can counteract this loss, plus studies show that CoQ10 supplementation may decrease the muscle pain associated with statin treatment.

CoQ10 also acts as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals and reduce the damage they cause. It’s been shown to benefit nearly every part of your body including your brain, heart, immune system, energy level and skin. Studies also show it can delay the aging process and increase longevity.
Topically, CoQ10 boosts skin repair and regeneration, reduces free radical damage, helps fade age spots, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Sun exposure breaks down Co-Q10, making supplementation essential.
These nutrients are key ingredients in ReversAge®’s patented nutritional formula. CoQ10 is also part of the exclusive RA7 Complex found in Relìv’s r skincare line and our latest product 24Ktm: Energy Shot