Lunasin, LunaRich and Cellular Health

Lunasin and Optimal Cell Health

LunaRich is a Reliv-exclusive healthy soy powder that contains five to ten times the bioactive lunasin of ordinary soy powders. Lunasin is a naturally occurring peptide clinical studies have identified as the key to soy’s many health benefits.

Lunasin’s effectiveness comes from its ability to promote optimal cell health. Lunasin provides a second line of defense against cellular damage when the body’s initial defenses are depleted. Here’s how it works:

Lunasin nourishes – provides the nutritional fuel to promote optimal expression of genes required for normal cell function.

Lunasin protects – reduces inflammation and cell damage caused by free radicals and other environmental hazards. Provides protection in two ways:

  • Prevention. Activates the expression of genes that help reduce cell damage and prevents the expression of genes that can cause cell damage.
  • Maintenance. Helps remove damaged cells from the body that may cause chronic health problems.