Tag Archives: Energy Shot

24K Can Help you Beat the Fatigue Cycle

24K Healthy Energy Drink

Many consumers are looking for a quick fix to fight the afternoon slump, compensate for lack of sleep or give them the energy to get through their day. Some turn to energy shots sold at gas stations and convenience stores that provide a quick jolt of caffeine, but those shots can cause jitters and an unhealthy spike in heart rate. Reliv’s 24K™ provides a healthy solution to provide fuel for natural energy instead of masking symptoms with stimulants.

A Vicious Cycle

Our daily cycles of activity and business can leave us feeling worn out, unfocused and stressed. Physical and mental fatigue go hand-in-hand and stress can lead to both. We oversleep and run late, which causes stress, and reach for a cup of coffee (or several) to get us through the morning. We work through lunch and spend time stuck in traffic. We then do our best to provide quality time for ourselves, our family and friends. The stress of the day plays back as we try to sleep at night, preventing us from getting ample rest. The cycle repeats itself the next day.

Turning to caffeine only makes things worse. Caffeine intake can lead to a “crashing” feeling once the stimulant wears off, leaving you more exhausted that you were before. Reaching for more caffeine to keep the crash at bay can lead to more serious problems. In fact, the Mayo Clinic warns that serious medical problems can occur if massive amounts of caffeinated energy drinks are consumed before vigorous exercise.

A Healthy Choice

Choosing a more natural way to replace energy is a smart alternative. 24K contains 24 powerful ingredients backed by clinical research to tap into your body’s natural vitality. These include:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids — instrumental in the function of brain cell membranes and proven to help improve learning and memory
  • Resveratrol — improves blood flow to the brain, enhancing brain performance and focus
  • B Vitamins — essential for the body’s energy production and optimal brain function
  • Beta Alanine — reduces fatigue, improves strength and endurance
  • Coenzyme Q10 — brain-enhancing nutrient and central to cellular energy production
  • Valerian Root — provides “alert relaxation,” or energy without the jitters; shown to reduce stress in those experiencing anxiety
  • Gama Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) — serves as a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety; controls the brain’s theta waves and increases endorphins

Replenish Natural Energy the Healthy Way

Everywhere you look, people are talking about how tired they are. We live busy lives that are often so full of activities that we barely have time to catch our breath, let alone properly rest.

In creating 24K, the Reliv product development team selected cutting-edge ingredients based on the most up-to-date clinical studies. Formulated with the consumer in mind, we considered how these nutrients work together to address contributing factors to mental and physical fatigue. The result: a truly remarkable product. Finally, you have a solution to the fatigue cycle.

There’s nothing else like 24K on the market, and we’re proud to say it’s the healthiest energy shot available today. The next time you need an extra boost to get through your day, or just want to make sure you’re performing at your peak, reach for some 24K. Give your body a healthy source of energy for body, mind and spirit.

To your health,

Dr. Carl W. Hastings

Reliv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer

Thanks Reliv for another great article!






Reliv Testimony – Peter Burkel

Name: Peter Burkel

Hometown: Hobart, Wisconsin

Gigs: Reliv, dairy farmer

Activities: biking, weightlifting, snowmobiling, rollerblading and gardening

Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now®, FibRestore®, GlucAffect®, Arthaffect®, ProVantage®, 24K™

Life Reinvigorated: “I had trouble sleeping, allergies and other health issues. Since adding Reliv’s optimal nutrition, I have experienced amazing health benefits and energy to spare.”

Discovering the Reliv Difference: “I knew supplements could help me, so I visited the supplement store and tried to be my own chemist. I never got the results I wanted. Reliv makes it easy — I just add the scoop to my shake and reap the benefits.”

Cutting the Caffeine: “One of the biggest changes in my life has been my energy level. I used to drink six or seven cups of coffee just to get through the day. With Reliv I have the energy to work my business and do the things I love!”

Reliv offers exceptionally effective nutritional products and a simple and profitable business opportunity. Discover what Reliv nutrition can do for you at wealththrunutrition.com

2 Vital Steps to Protect Your Heart

Getting regular exercise and eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber are heart-smart steps.

Heart health is part genetics, part diet and lifestyle. While you can’t change your family tree, you can make an impact on risk factors for heart disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Let’s focus on two heart disease risk factors where you can make a difference: cholesterol and blood pressure. It may be easier to impact these than you thought…

Control Cholesterol.

Your risk for a heart attack rises with your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol builds up and narrows your arteries and makes them less flexible. To counter cholesterol, make plant sterols your friend. Plant sterols are found naturally in some vegetable oils, nuts, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Soy is a significant source of plant sterols.

Plant sterols have been shown to reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 20 percent in people with metabolic syndrome even if they continued eating a typical “Western” diet. The study showed those taking daily doses of plant sterols also dropped their total cholesterol by 16 percent, and their triglyceride levels by 19 percent.

Reliv’s CardioSentials®, loaded with plant sterols and other heart-smart nutrients, has been clinically shown to reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides for people with high cholesterol, as well as increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol and reduce blood glucose levels.

While soy benefits heart health because of its plant sterols and other antioxidants, the impact of soy and fiber together are even more powerful. One of fiber’s key heart benefits is reducing cholesterol. The combination of fiber-rich FibRestore® and soy-based Reliv Now® create a one-two punch against cholesterol. A clinical study found these products together reduce average cholesterol by 14 percent while they also reduce LDL, triglycerides, and uric acid.

Bring Down Blood Pressure.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for developing heart disease and significantly increases stroke risk. One easy way to lower blood pressure is to bump up your soy intake. A combination of studies has shown taking soy isoflavones with soy protein each day lowers blood pressure as much as taking blood pressure medication.

Studies also show fiber can help reduce or even prevent high blood pressure. A Harvard study showed an intake of 24 grams/day or more of fiber provided significant protection against developing high blood pressure. FibRestore contains 10 grams of fiber in each serving to put you well on your way to reaching your optimum fiber count.

Get Your Heart Pumping

Your heart also needs a regular workout. Studies show adding at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three or more times a week can increase your HDL (“good”) cholesterol by 5-10 percent and lower your triglycerides.

For motivation, support and fun, join the Team Reliv Fitness Club to help reach your exercise goals. Join anywhere, anytime. It’s open to all Reliv Distributors and customers and offers prizes and a way for you to track your progress to better health.

Then add 24K™ to your daily routine to give you the healthy energy you need to literally go the extra mile. Its synergistic blend of 24 active ingredients in a caffeine-free, ready-to-drink shot provides energy, focus and stress relief — all important factors in heart health. Many of the ingredients, such as omega-3, CoQ10 and resveratrol, are proven heart helpers too.

Reliv’s nutritional products offer a variety of healthy solutions to benefit your heart — and the rest of your body.


Reliv launches initiative to speed purchases of healthy energy shot 24K

SOURCE Reliv International, Inc.

CHESTERFIELD, Mo., Dec. 21, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Reliv International, Inc. (NASDAQ:RELV), this month launched 24K VIP, a discount and referral program designed to speed up and increase sales of healthy energy shot 24K.

“We wanted to make it easier for Reliv Distributors to add new customers. The popularity of energy drinks and the high marketability of 24K made it an ideal product for a program like VIP,” said Ryan Montgomery, executive vice president of worldwide sales.

Distributors invite customers to join the program and receive an immediate 10% discount on 24K. VIPs can then double that discount to 20% when they refer three new VIP customers into the program.

Reliv has developed online tools to speed up the 24K ordering process. These include email and social media tools as well as personalized VIP Codes and a dedicated site for VIP orders.

“We see the 24K VIP Program as a new, more familiar entry point for anyone who happens to hear about Reliv or 24K,” Montgomery said. “And once people get to know us, our high retention rates point to our ability to build lasting relationships.”

24K: A Healthy Energy Shot

Reliv developed 24K because it saw a lack of healthy options in the energy shot category. The product, named because of its 24 active ingredients, contains no caffeine, no sugar and only five calories per serving. 24K is designed to boost energy, improve mental focus and reduce stress. It is available in a multi-serving 28-ounce bottle and in two-ounce “double-shots.”

Most energy beverages and shots rely on caffeine and sugar to create an artificial buzz. The problem is that these stimulants inevitably leave you feeling more exhausted than ever. We’ve all experienced that afternoon “crash” once the morning coffee has worn off. Caffeinated energy beverages work the same way.
In addition, caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms. Clinical studies indicate these symptoms include headache, fatigue, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability and brain fog.
Experts also say the use of guarana — aka “herbal caffeine” — is particularly dangerous. Many consumers don’t realize guarana itself contains extremely high levels of caffeine. A Consumer Reports review of 12 popular energy drinks found that caffeine levels — some topping 200 milligrams or more — are often omitted from the label.
Serious Side Effects
Caffeinated energy drinks caused a spike in heart rate and blood pressure in a study presented by the American Heart Association. The effects of the caffeine occurred in healthy individuals in a relaxed, seated position. Even more worrisome for researchers is the effect of caffeinated energy beverages on patients with heart or blood pressure problems.
Athletes who use caffeinated energy beverages as performance enhancers create their own set of risks. In the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers noted that both athletes and non-athletes are consuming energy beverages at an alarming rate. The study cited several recent cases of caffeine-associated death and seizures associated with caffeinated energy drinks. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, and high doses of sugar can impair absorption of fluids. The risky combination can cause severe dehydration.
24K from Reliv offers a healthy alternative. No caffeine, no sugar and 24 health-promoting ingredients make 24K the smart choice for real, sustained energy.
What’s on Your Label?
Deciphering the labels on popular energy beverages can be a challenge, especially when so many manufacturers are cryptic or even misleading about what ingredients are actually in the bottle. No other product has the synergistic combination of active ingredients found in 24K — and they’re all listed right on the label.
B Vitamins. Often the only healthy ingredient found in popular energy beverages and shots; lack of B Vitamins can lead to fatigue, mental fog and weakness.
CarnoSyn® Beta Alanine. Reduces fatigue, improves strength and endurance.
CoQ10. Well regarded for its brain-enhancing properties; new study of ultra-runners published by the European Journal of Nutrition indicates it also may reduce muscle damage during intensive exercise.
Gama Aminobutyric Acid (GABA). Neurotransmitter that controls the brain’s theta waves; increases endorphins and reduces anxiety.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid. Improves communication between the brain cells by making cell membranes more fluid; also shown to aid in energy production.
Resveratrol. Improves blood flow in the brain for improved cognitive function; helps muscles use oxygen more efficiently to enhance performance.
People today want that extra boost. And they are consuming dangerous, highly caffeinated beverages and shots despite the side effects in order to get it. What they need is a healthy, effective alternative — and Reliv has it.
Healthy energy shot 24K is the only product of its kind to provide energy, mental clarity and stress relief. 24K relies on 24 powerful active ingredients that nourish the body instead of creating an artificial buzz. No caffeine or sugar means the body doesn’t suffer from jitters. It also means no crash later — and no caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
So, the next time you see someone reaching for one of those dangerous drinks, suggest the 2011 Product of the Year, healthy energy shot 24K. It’s go time!

What’s In Your Energy Shot?

Artificial Buzz. Real Withdrawal.

Most energy beverages and shots rely on caffeine and sugar to create an artificial buzz. The problem is that these stimulants inevitably leave you feeling more exhausted than ever. We’ve all experienced that afternoon “crash” once the morning coffee has worn off. Caffeinated energy beverages work the same way.
In addition, caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms. Clinical studies indicate these symptoms include headache, fatigue, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability and brain fog.
Experts also say the use of guarana — aka “herbal caffeine” — is particularly dangerous. Many consumers don’t realize guarana itself contains extremely high levels of caffeine. A Consumer Reports review of 12 popular energy drinks found that caffeine levels — some topping 200 milligrams or more — are often omitted from the label.
Serious Side Effects
Caffeinated energy drinks caused a spike in heart rate and blood pressure in a study presented by the American Heart Association. The effects of the caffeine occurred in healthy individuals in a relaxed, seated position. Even more worrisome for researchers is the effect of caffeinated energy beverages on patients with heart or blood pressure problems.
Athletes who use caffeinated energy beverages as performance enhancers create their own set of risks. In the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers noted that both athletes and non-athletes are consuming energy beverages at an alarming rate. The study cited several recent cases of caffeine-associated death and seizures associated with caffeinated energy drinks. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, and high doses of sugar can impair absorption of fluids. The risky combination can cause severe dehydration.
24K from Reliv offers a healthy alternative. No caffeine, no sugar and 24 health-promoting ingredients make 24K the smart choice for real, sustained energy.
What’s on Your Label?
Deciphering the labels on popular energy beverages can be a challenge, especially when so many manufacturers are cryptic or even misleading about what ingredients are actually in the bottle. No other product has the synergistic combination of active ingredients found in 24K — and they’re all listed right on the label.
B Vitamins. Often the only healthy ingredient found in popular energy beverages and shots; lack of B Vitamins can lead to fatigue, mental fog and weakness.
CarnoSyn® Beta Alanine. Reduces fatigue, improves strength and endurance.
CoQ10. Well regarded for its brain-enhancing properties; new study of ultra-runners published by the European Journal of Nutrition indicates it also may reduce muscle damage during intensive exercise.
Gama Aminobutyric Acid (GABA). Neurotransmitter that controls the brain’s theta waves; increases endorphins and reduces anxiety.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid. Improves communication between the brain cells by making cell membranes more fluid; also shown to aid in energy production.
Resveratrol. Improves blood flow in the brain for improved cognitive function; helps muscles use oxygen more efficiently to enhance performance.
24K: A Healthy Energy Shot
People today want that extra boost. And they are consuming dangerous, highly caffeinated beverages and shots despite the side effects in order to get it. What they need is a healthy, effective alternative — and Reliv has it.
Healthy energy shot 24K is the only product of its kind to provide energy, mental clarity and stress relief. 24K relies on 24 powerful active ingredients that nourish the body instead of creating an artificial buzz. No caffeine or sugar means the body doesn’t suffer from jitters. It also means no crash later — and no caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
So, the next time you see someone reaching for one of those dangerous drinks, suggest the 2011 Product of the Year, healthy energy shot 24K. It’s go time!

24K Energy Shot + Focus and Stress Relief

24K Healthy Energy, Focus and Stress Relief

Healthy energy for body, mind & spirit

Everyone knows what it feels like to be tired. But more and more Americans aren’t just tired; they’re exhausted — both mentally and physically. Our schedules continue to get busier as we strive to balance work, school, family and everything else we do. We need added energy more than ever before.

Our daily activities zap our energy and can leave us feeling worn out, unfocused and stressed. Reliv’s revolutionary new product, 24K™ offers a healthy new solution by addressing the underlying problem — the fatigue cycle.
Physical fatigue and mental fog go hand-in-hand, and stress is a leading contributor to both. These three factors continue in a vicious cycle, leaving you feeling exhausted and unable to get the most out of your day. To be truly effective, a formula must address all three of them.
It’s no surprise then that the energy drink market is booming. Unfortunately, most people turn to energy products containing stimulants that can do more harm than good. Loaded with caffeine, these products provide an artificial lift leading to an inevitable crash. That’s not to mention the potential for an accelerated heart rate, anxiety, trouble sleeping and even withdrawal. In fact, the levels of caffeine in some popular energy drinks have many regulatory authorities concerned in several countries worldwide, prompting more strict regulations and warning labeling.
We’re not doing our bodies any favors when we consume the most popular, caffeine-packed energy drinks. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart, muscles and the blood pressure control centers, providing an artificial lift to make you feel like you have more energy.
Caffeine intake can lead to jitters and a “crashing” feeling once the stimulant wears off, leaving you more exhausted than you were before. Excessive intake can lead to more serious problems: unhealthy heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, difficulty sleeping and withdrawal symptoms. In fact, the Mayo Clinic advises that serious medical problems such as fainting or heart attack can occur if massive amounts of caffeinated energy drinks are consumed before vigorous exercise.
At Reliv, they felt compelled to provide a healthy alternative. Rather than relying on stimulants, 24K contains 24 health-promoting ingredients proven to address all three factors in the fatigue cycle: physical fatigue, mental fog and stress.
These include:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids — instrumental in the function of brain cell membranes and proven to help improve learning and memory
Resveratrol — improves blood flow to the brain, enhancing brain performance and focus
B Vitamins — essential for the body’s energy production and optimal brain function
Beta Alanine — reduces fatigue, improves strength and endurance
Coenzyme Q10 — brain-enhancing nutrient and central to cellular energy production
Valerian Root — provides “alert relaxation,” or energy without the jitters; shown to reduce stress in those experiencing anxiety
Gama Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) — serves as a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety; controls the brain’s theta waves and increases endorphins
For more information and a complete list of ingredients go to: 24K Energy Shot
No other product on the market delivers the nutritional punch of 24K. Just compare labels and see for yourself. If you’re looking for a healthy source of energy for body, mind and spirit, this is your shot!